In the final month of 2024 we managed to bring you a number of amazing updates, fixes & features – including more attendance options, a brand new block for the Website Builder, and some big updates to invoices being marked as PAID! Read our update notes below for all the details:
Student Management
- When changing a student’s default price from the Assigned Tutors tab, you will now be prompted to choose what date you’d like the new price to start
- We reintroduced the ability to apply a group tag to a student when adding them manually
- You can now enter a negative value when manually adding make-up credits to a student’s account
- Moving an adult student to a new family (when there is no other adult contact) will now also move any attached child students with them
- We reintroduced suspended delivery notifications for Email and SMS, which (for Students) can now be found in the Family Contacts and can also be linked to from the tag in the profile card
- We fixed an issue where a student’s “Student Since” record would display incorrectly if it was set to a date in the future
- We improved the functionality of the Student Portal study log submission form, including providing a warning when an attached file is too large, and fixing an error that occurred when adding more than 2 attachments at once
- Tutors can now view how many make-up credits their student has (from their own lessons) regardless of whether or not they have the “Manage students and other tutors’ lessons/events” privilege enabled
New Attendance Experience
- The attendance options of “Absent, Issue Make-Up” and “Cancelled, Issue Make-Up” are now available to be used on the Bulk Attendance page
- If a student’s attendance is marked as “Present, Use Make-Up Credit”, you now have the option to also record a payment at the same time
- When marking a student as “Absent, No Make-Up” or “Absent, Issue Make-Up”, you can now also manually adjust the lesson price
- You can now click on the location tag in the new attendance experience to open up that location in a new tab
- When taking Express Attendance for a group, a notification will now appear if a status has been carried forward from a previous student
- Events that require a make-up credit now indicate this on the Bulk Attendance page
- We fixed an issue where the time filter on the Bulk Attendance page was temporarily working incorrectly
- We fixed an issue that occurred when attempting to add a payment of $0 to an attendance record
- We updated aspects of the mobile calendar to improve navigation between months
- We updated a calendar setting to reduce the risk of double booking when syncing the calendar to an external app
- We fixed an issue that was causing the weekly list calendar view to display an incorrect date after adding a new event in the future
Families & Invoices
- When adding a payment record to a family account, you will now be prompted to manually select which invoices you would like to mark “PAID”, instead of all invoices being marked automatically
- Attempting to manually override an invoice status to show “PAID” will now prompt you to double check that any appropriate payments are recorded
Website Builder
- We’ve introduced a new block to the Website Builder! You can now add a “Call to Action” block, which includes a heading, text (or no text), and a button
- Sharing a link to your website to an external app that supports link preview (WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.) will now share your header image as part of the preview
- We fixed an issue that was preventing the blog post block from appearing properly in the Website Builder
- Notifications will now update once every minute, regardless of how long you stay on a page
- Contact info pages for tutors with the “View other tutor & user contact info” privilege now also display phone number instead of only address & email
- New records sent to Zapier include event start & end times and student time zones
- We fixed an issue that was preventing group tags from properly sending to Zapier
- We fixed an issue that temporarily prevented processing fees from being recorded to the “Expenses & Other Revenue” page when the payee wasn’t logged in
- We fixed an issue that was causing errors when TutorBird is closed in the middle of saving certain changes
- Various cosmetic tweaks throughout
Please note: If you have any questions or require assistance with your account, please contact our support team at support@tutorbird.com