Hi Everyone,
Here’s what’s new and improved this week:
- A number of changes to the “Student Tax Credit Receipt” report:
- Non-lesson related fees can now be excluded.
- This report can now be split automatically into separate PDFs by family (and then downloaded in bulk). You’ll still need to email them individually.
- It can now be generated in Excel (CSV) format.
- In the “Automatic Payment” Failed email template, the teacher first and last name placeholders were reversed, this has been fixed.
- The “Make-Up Credits” report has been modified to include the event duration.
- The “Payroll” report can now include Inactive teachers. By default, if no teacher is specified, only Active teachers are included, but you can explicitly choose to include an inactive teacher. (This is useful if you need to create annual summaries for everyone who worked for you, past and present.)
- If you use the “Blog” feature of your TutorBird hosted website, the Facebook “Share” button is working once again.
- The Homepage Agenda has been modified to include the event end time so you can tell how long the lesson should be.
- On the “Student Details” page, the “Options” tab now has an option to revoke Student Portal login access.
- If you drag and drop calendar events and there is a conflict, you’ll now be notified.
- A handful of internal changes have been made to reduce page load times. Your calendar events should load a bit faster, and the “Expenses and Other Income” page should appear more quickly too. (The bigger your school, the more noticeable the improvement.)
- When you try to add a new teacher to your multi-teacher school and your plan is maxed out, you’ll get an error message right away (rather than teasing you by allowing you to enter all the details, then telling you afterwards that the teacher cannot be added).
- We fixed an issue with the student payments page that could prevent the correct currency symbol from appearing if your students are paying an invoice without logging into the student portal.
We hope you enjoy this week’s updates. Have a great week!
– The TutorBird Team